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Oman Photography Tour





Oman In Focus will have selected photographers from around the world to do a Tour in the country and participate in an exhibition led by Omani photographer Maisa Al Hooti with many Supports and Collaborations of different governmental and private sectors in Oman.


This tour would include famous landmarks and trips to traditional villages to expose and educate the participants about Oman.

At the end of each day, after the Tour, the International Photographers (participants) will gather to show their photographs and discuss the pictures that they took from that day.


These daily sessions will promote awareness and knowledge of the place and widen the perspective of each photographer through the other photographer’s opinion about his/her work.


The Project is planned to be done in many different places of Oman with a very massive unprecedented campaign, in collaboration with several Media Partners and supporters, aiming at creating an extraordinary hype nation and worldwide.


Ministry of Tourism with Oman Air, Omani National Travel agencies and Touristic companies are a main Support Key of this event, by accompanying the Photography Tour along its entire lifecycle, starting by the project preparation, to its happening, moving to the TV reports and a special documentary of the Tour, to a DVD release, to a 2 minutes Video Filler about Omani regions where the “Oman In Focus” visited.


Sectors supporting  this unique project; So far, we can list the followings:



  • Oman Air is the carrier sponsor of the Project.

  • Marks Tour is the main national tour sponsoring the event.

  • Omran the main company delivering projects in the tourism sector, is also a main sponsor.

  • Al Quds Art Production Infocus Studio



Idea by Maisa Al Hooti. Proposed with the collaborationof Rosy Abdo for InFocus Studio.

© 2014 by Maisa Al Hooti. Created with Infocus studio.

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